Donation for a world peace

     Before we know more about donation, we have to know first what the real meaning of donation. Donation is a help in order to make a better condition and performed with sincerity (do not expect a reward). Donation is not only means money, but many things. Like donate clothes, food, water, blood, organs, and many more. Donation is not just a physical form, but it can be a service form, like a doctor help people with sincerity on conflict area. So, what can we donate for those who need it? Check it.

- Body equipment: Clothes, wristwatch, jewelry, accessories, etc.
- Bedding: Pillow, blanket, bolster, and etc.
- House appliances: Table, cupboard, chair, etc.
- Kitchen equipment: pans, pots, forks, spoons, plates, etc.
- Electronic: TV, desktops, laptops, printer, washing machine, etc.
- Other: Money, blood donor, organ donor, etc.
- Emergency: Food, clean water, clothes, money, medicine, and etc.

Above are some examples of what we can donate. Absolutely, there are still so many things that we can donate.
Children who suffer from malnutrition.
     Who? Of course people or place that need it. Such people or place are people who can not afford, orphans, scavenger, beggar, the poor, victims of conflict or disaster, children who suffer from deadly diseases, place of worships, orphanages, charities, and others. Surely, things above are just a few examples to whom we should donate, many people or other places that need our donation.
Palestinians walking in the Gaza town which was destroyed by Israeli attacks.
     Donation can do anytime, depending on how much time we have to donate. As a small example, when we have enough spare time, if possible donate for those who needed. But, there are times when we have to donate for an emergency, like fire, floods, and other which make people to experienced these thing were injured, displaced, even death. In refuge camp, surely all that is needed is very limited, because they have to share needs to others so that everyone gets his share. Well, that is when our donation is needed by them. Money, clothes, food, and clean water are very good for them, but if you have another goods for them, don’t hesitate to donate it.
Online donation.
     Times have changed, human work is very simplified in line with rapid technologies development. Now, everything can do with Internet. Therefore, everything in real life, has started to find their places in Internet. As well as the development of donation, there are many donation website that provide feature that allow us to can donate through them. Absolutely, the way like that is very useful for those who could not donate directly due to a necessity. Our donation will be used for world peace, like donation to cure the kids suffering from disease, people who can not afford, disaster victims, and many more depending on policy of the website itself.
     We can also come directly to the place that we want to give a donation. This method is simple, but provide added value, that we can socializing and add knowledge together will make we have a strong relationship with them.
     There are many other way that can be taken so we can donate to whom who need it. Either way, the important thing is our intention and what we donate can make a better condition for them.
Smile from happy kids.
     Maybe you've heard or crossed your mind, “We need to be a great person first before you can make a world peace,” if ever, whether everyone should be a great people first to make a world peace? Whether ordinary people should not to make a world peace? Maybe half of us agree this and maybe another think different. But, what matters is you can make a world peace whoever you are. One way to make a world peace is donation.

- Fire, little be useful and large will be very dangerous.
- Donation, little be useful and large will be very useful.

     With parable above, Do you already understand there is a huge meaning behind the donation word? I think you already understand. So from now, let us realize the importance of donation, the importance of helping others, and the importance of world peace. No matter about skin color, race, tribe, religion, culture, and anything that can cause the differences. We must really sincere to help others to make a world peace.
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